Final Effectsª plug-ins for CoSA/Adobe After Effects 2.0.x Copyright UDAC Multimedia 1993, 1994, 1995 all rights reserved. These demo filters are free to use and to distribute, as long as this text document remains attached. Just put the FE Demos folder in your AfterEffects folder and get started. If you like Final Effects, feel free to order the final release version, Final Effects 1.0, from UDAC Multimedia. The price is 480 USD. To order please use fax, phone or e-mail. Mailing adress: UDAC Multimedia BOX 174 S-751 04 Uppsala Sweden Fax: +46-18-516600 Phone: +46-18-187777 +46-18-187778 e-mail: At this time we're working on our WorldWideWeb-server that will open very soon. You are welcome to mail us if you want our server adress, and we will reply the adress to you as soon as possible. Enjoy. UDAC Multimedia. The specifications are ordered by : Menu ---------------------------------- Filter Name: Description ¥ Controls : Description .............. .............. ¡ Option : Optional control description Distort ---------------------------------- Flo Motion: Metaballs scaling effect produces a cool distortion that scales the source logarithmically towards two points. ¥ Knot 1 : Position of first knot ¥ Amount : Force of 1st knot ¥ Knot 2 : Position of second knot ¥ Amount : Force of 2nd knot ¥ Tile edges : Tile image Griddler: Cut and animate an image into squares. The tiles can be scaled and rotated, as well as setting their size. Note that a small size setting will produce a large number of tiles. ¥ Set Center : Set center ¥ X Scale : Horizontal scale of tiles ¥ Y Scale : Vertical scale of tiles ¥ Tile size : Size of tiles ¥ Rotation : Rotation of tiles ¥ Tile : Tile the grids or not Lens: Create a simulated lens effect. The lens position, size and amount of convergence can all be set. ¥ Center : Center of lens ¥ Size : Size of lens ¥ Convergence : Convergence of lens (0=air) ¥ Option : Composite lens with original image Slant: Slant the source by use of a slider controlling the amount of slant. A point control is used to set the floor position. ¥ Slant : Slant slider ¥ Floor : Center of slant Tiler: Scale down and tile an image to fill the screen. As well as defining the amount of scale, the center around which to scale the image can also be set. This is useful for animation, allowing the source to be scaled up from a set point. ¥ Scale : Tiles of image ¥ Set Scale Center : Set center to scale to ¥ Blend with original : Blend with original picture Image Control ---------------------------------- Color Offset: Offset colors. One revolution will return the offset values back to the original colors. If solarize is chosen, the values will be reflected to eliminate any overflow. ¥ Red Offset : Offset for red color ¥ Green Offset : Offset for green color ¥ Blue Offset : Offset for blue color ¥ Overflow behavior : plain repeat or solarize Threshold: Threshold ¥ Threshold : Threshold ¥ RGB or Luminance : Threshold RGB separate or by lightness ¥ Result : Immediate Inverse ¥ Blend with original : Blend with original picture Threshold RGB: Threshold RGB separately ¥ Red Threshold : Threshold for red color ¥ Green Threshold : Threshold for green color ¥ Blue Threshold : Threshold for blue color ¥ Red : Inverse red color ¥ Green : Inverse green color ¥ Blue : Inverse blue color ¥ Blend with original : Blend with original picture Iteration ---------------------------------- Splatter: Splatters copies of an image into the source. The source is first cleared! Each splattered image will have both a random position and size. ¥ Pastes per Frame : Number of pastes per frame ¥ Fade Out : Amount to fade out previous pastes ¥ Splatter Layer : Layer to be Splattered Video Reverb: Ghosting effect on movies with alpha channel ¥ Trail Opacity : Opacity of trailing frames ¥ Scaling : Scale of trailing frame Light ---------------------------------- Light Burst: Let a light shine through an image with alpha channel. Crop it! The source of the light is controlled by a Point Control. Semi transparent pixels will refract light, while opaque & transparent pixels will do nothing. Therefore, a slight blur on your source first is often good. ¥ Light Color : Color of light ¥ Light Opacity : Light rays opacity ¥ Light Length : Length of light rays ¥ Light Source : Position of light source ¥ Jitter : Enable a slight randomness to the light Light Sweep: Sweep light across the source. The user can use another layer for the light, so that any type of light can be created. If no light layer is chosen, a default light will be used. When a light layer is chosen, it will only read B/W shades horizontally across the center of the layer. ¥ Light Layer : The B/W layer to use as the light source. ¥ Light Position : Position of the light ¥ Light Width : Width of the light ¥ Light Intensity : Intensity of the light ¥ Light Angle : Angle of the light ¥ Light Color : Color of the light Niche ---------------------------------- Cartoon Sequencer: A special sequencing effect for cartoonists. ÒCartoon SourceÓ represents the frames to build the cartoon with. The ÒCell NumberÓ slider is used to set which source frame to use at that instance. The use of this effect should be obvious to cartoonists. Essentially, cartoons are made out of sequences, that often need to be repeated both forward and backwards, as well as being broken up at different time frames. This filter has proven to be a necessity to cartoonists working with A.E. Other uses could be to produce an interpolatable time stretch. This effects supports ÒFrame BlendingÓ as well as ÒMotion BlurÓ, weighted against relative time. When working with this filter it can be easier if preferences are set to show frame numbers instead of timecode. ÒStart Cell NumberÓ is used to ease the entering of ÒCell NumberÓ, since a separate cartoon sequence may be built from cell starting with numbers other than 1. If the ÒCartoon SourceÓ size differs, it will scale to fit. ¥ Cartoon Source : Layer to read cells from ¥ Cell Number : The cell number to be used at this instance ¥ Start Cell Number : This is the number of the first cell in the animation Particle ---------------------------------- Ball Action: A mixture of ways to transform an image into spheres. The spheres are rotated and twisted around a specified axis by use of rotation controls. The rotation and twist axis is specified form a selection of choices. The color of each sphere is dependent on the corresponding pixel value at its place of origin. To create a smooth transition from source to effect it is recommended to use "Blend with original" during the initial phase of animation. ¥ Scatter : Amount to randomly separate spheres ¥ Rotation Axis : Axis to rotate&twist around ¥ Rotation : Rotation ¥ Twist : Twist ¥ Twist the.... : Twists the spheres according to this selection. ¥ Grid Spacing : Spheres density. Higher spacing gives fewer spheres. ¥ Size : Spheres size ¥ Blend with original : Use this to blend effect with source. Bubbles: Creates bubbles. The user can choose from various reflection and shading types. The bubbles are animated using a Phase rotation. The user can also set the sine wave's amplitude and frequency amount for the bubbles animation. ¥ Bubble Amount : Amount of bubbles ¥ Bubble Speed : Speed of Bubbles ¥ Amplitude : Amount of amplitude for bubbles ¥ Frequency : Amount of frequency for bubbles ¥ Bubble Size : Size of bubbles ¥ Reflection Type : Type of Bubble Reflection ¥ Shading Type : Type of Bubble Shading ¥ Composite with Orig. : Composite with Original Particle Systems: A Basic Particle system for fire,gravity,raindrops etc. The function of a particle system is well known to most CG/3D animators. Particle Systems can simulate natural phenomena's such as fire, fireworks, water cascades and rain. A Particle System is essentially an animation system for a large number of particle, usually a number so high that it would be impossible for a user to animate them manually. Particle Systems automates the particles animation according to some basic laws set by the user. If we take "Fountain" as an example, the particles are spurted up with a slight randomness in speed and direction. As the particles speed is reduced by gravity (which can be set by the user), they will fall back down again. Particle Systems is equipped controls necessary to control basic animations. Particles are generated from all non transparent pixels. No particles are produced at time zero, so if you wish to view the particles in animation you will have to step forward to a time where the particles have been created. All controls can be animated over time to produce dynamic animations such as sudden bursts in birth rate or a change in velocity. ¥ Velocity : Initial speed ¥ Birth Rate : Number of Particles born ¥ Longevity : Life length ¥ Gravity : Gravity ¥ Turbulence : Turbulence in system ¥ Birth Opacity : Opacity at birth ¥ Birth Color : Color at birth ¥ Death Color : Color at death ¥ Animation System : Animation system in use Particle Systems LE: This effect is essentially the same as the Particle Systems above, with the only difference being in the production of particles. Instead of producing particles from each pixel, this version defines a sphere from which particles are produced. The sphere has a size and position which can both be animated over time, which gives more freedom to the exact motion of the particle production. This effect is preferably used to create fireworks for example, but is less suitable to create a star sky or burning text. ¥ X Radius : Horizontal radius of the particle producer ¥ Y Radius : Vertical radius of the particle producer ¥ Producer : The position of the particle producer's center ¥ Velocity : Initial speed ¥ Birth Rate : Particles born per frame ¥ Longevity : Life length ¥ Gravity : Gravity ¥ Turbulence : Turbulence in system ¥ Birth Opacity : Opacity at birth ¥ Birth Color : Color at birth ¥ Death Color : Color at death ¥ Animation System : Animation system in use Notes: ¡ Default "Birth Rate" produces 76800 particles in a second of animation. This multiplied with longevity will calculate # of particles being processed. Rain: Creates rain. The rain is animated using a Phase rotation. The length of each rain drop's motion trail will depend on the speed of the animation. ¥ Rain Amount : Amount of Rain ¥ Rain Speed : Speed of Rain ¥ Rain Angle : Angle of Rain ¥ Drop Size : Size of rain drops Scatterize: Scatter pixels for an exploding effect by simply setting the amount to scatter. ¥ Amount : Amount to scatter pixels Snow: Creates snow. The snow is animated using a Phase rotation. The user can also set the sine wave's amplitude and frequency amount for the snow's animation. ¥ Snow Amount : Amount of snow ¥ Snow Speed : Speed of the Snow ¥ Amplitude : Amount of amplitude of snow ¥ Frequency : Amount of frequency of snow ¥ Flake Size : Size of snow flakes ¥ Position of Snow : Positioning of snow within the layer Star Burst: Transform image into a warping space. The source will be transformed into spheres, with the space between them controlled by a Scatter Amount slider. 0 amount returns the original source, while 100 will evenly spread the spheres over space. Warp will repeatedly move the spheres through space, where each revolution constitutes one repetition. By timing Warp with Scatter Amount you can reposition the source at its original position. ¥ Scatter Amount : Amount to scatter balls ¥ Warp : Number of parsecs to travel ¥ Grid Spacing : Spheres density. Higher spacing gives fewer spheres. ¥ Size : Spheres size ¥ Blend with original : Use this to blend effect with source. Perspective ---------------------------------- Box: A rotating 3D box with textures. The rotation is simply controlled by a single rotation, as well as being able to choose the rotation axis. The box is able to have different textures for the Front, Back and Sides. The Front texture will be the source to which the effect is applied to, while the Back and Side textures can be chosen from other layers in the composition by use of two pop-up layer menus. ¥ Rotation : Rotation of box ¥ Rotate Around : Axis to rotate around ¥ Distance : Distance to box ¥ Back Side : Layer to texture backside of box ¥ Thickness : Box thickness ¥ Sides : Layer to texture sides of box Notes: ¡ This effect might not be included in the final package Stylize ---------------------------------- Kaleida: A kaleidoscope from your source. A Point Control is used to set the top left point of the slice to tile. The size slider and type menu change the kaleidic appearance. ¥ Set Center : Position of tile ¥ Size : Size of tile ¥ Kaleida Type : Type of effect Page Turn: Page turn. The page turn is controlled by setting the fold position, direction and radius. The direction of light can also be set. The render pop up menu is used to choose which part of the image to render, this allows you to render the top and bottom separately which can be used for layered page turns. ¥ Fold Edge Position : Position of fold.(Use to animate) ¥ Fold Direction : Angle of fold ¥ Fold Radius : Radius of the fold ¥ Light Direction : Angle of incoming light ¥ Use Paperback : Set backside of page to plain color ¥ Paper Color : Color of paperback if chosen ¥ Render : What to render. (All, Top or Bottom) Splatter Paint: Splatter copies of an image into the source. The source is first cleared! Each splattered image will have both a random position and size. ¥ Number of Pastes : Number of times to paste image ¥ Fade Out : Amount to fade out previous pastes ¥ Random Positioning Control : Allows you to reposition all of the pastes ¥ Splatter Layer : Layer to be Splattered Motion Trail: Let frames from source trail behind in time. (Safe, not iteration) ¥ Trailing Frames : Number of frames to trail behind ¥ Steps Between frames : Number of frames between the trailing frames ¥ Alpha Comp. or Blend : Select this to composite the trail using alpha channel, else trail will be blended ¥ Fade Trail : Select this if you wish to fade out the trail when using the alpha composite option Notes: ¡ !Warning! Can be painstakingly slow. Transition ---------------------------------- Image Wipe: Use a layer to control the wipe of your source. A gray layer is chosen to control the nature of the wipe. A slider is then used to determine the level to wipe the source. ¥ Wipe Layer : Layer to use for wipe ¥ Level of Wipe : Level to wipe ¥ Wipe Direction : Reverse wipe direction ¥ Soften : Softness of wipe ¥ Blur Style : Switch 2 modes fast/slow Radial Scale Wipe: A radial inverse page turn. By controlling the center and the radius, a radial hole is able to grow from or shrink towards the chosen center. The area of the source around the circumference is distorted. ¥ Center : Center of scale ¥ Radius : Wipe radius Scale Wipe: Stretch an image or text off/on to the screen ¥ Scale Amount : Amount to scale ¥ Scale off-set : Point to begin scaling Twister: Twist the source into a second image. By animating the Twist's offset vertically, the source can be twisted into a chosen layer that appears to be the back side of the source. ¥ Back Layer : Layer to twist to ¥ Offset : Twist completion ¥ Shading : Enable shading